Thursday, September 1, 2011

"Commercial world is Changing"

You know when theres something wrong with the Film Industry when you work the commercial world and things on set start to get very cheap. I remember just a few months ago when I was getting 25 an hour on commercials, now everyone seems to be underbidding and prices are going down to 15 to 16 an hour. Not bad for just watching crew parking, but when they like to film in drug prositution gang infested areas like Hemet. Yea it's out in the middle of nowhere just like Lake Perris but it's also cheap to live so low income families seem to populate these areas. The nights watching these areas are starting to get more crazier. I think the hard times is hitting everyone so there are more thieves and people looking for a quick buck seem to roam the night more often.

A few weeks ago I worked on this commercial for ANONYMOUS CONTENT in Perris which is next to hemet, (not lake perris near filmore) For one they didn't give any predium or travel time for the trip back and forth to this location.

(good thing Ihave sisters that have houses up on Moreno Valley)

Next they didn't serve breakfast, just lunch. I have no problems with that since I watch what I eat on set since they like to serve just way too much food at times. Pretty much I get full from the snackages (not a real word but it is for me) they pass around. Just this crafty table didn't have any bottle water, instead dixie cups replaced the coolers filled with drinks. Okay I don't know about much of the crew but when Im walking around I like to sip at my water, not too much so I wont have to piss all the time but just enough to keep me filled. I tried the dixie cup thing back on this one commercial who wanted to be cheap with the water too, but working under the 6th street bridge in Downtown LA, sorry but that doesnt cut it. You try drinking from a dixie cup and having all that shit dust just flow into your open cup. yeah not a great site I may add. Some people don't care but going home and smelling like shit and piss from working in these areas, thats enough for me. I don't want to also be drinking shit and piss flavored water. Plus my water bottle I can tuck in my huge side pockets. Plus with a dixie cup  I would have to drink all my water, or what if I want a refill.  I have to get someone to relieve me just so I could get some more water. Oh did I mention the dixie cups are those small cups that the nurses give you when you take your pills. Just standing in the water cooler line behind the sweaty Juicers and grips bring back memories of party animals waiting for the Beer Keger. That's just more time for me not being posted at my spot which only makes me look like I'm not doing my job.

Yes the Production people on this show are one of those assholes who look at you standing in line for water and right away think your screwing around and not doing your job. It's funny cause the Art dept guy who's taking tablets of speed in his car doesnt seem to be doing his job, I wouldn't be in this long bathroom line if they had water bottles instead of dixie cups. I later find out that the crew was given travel time and predium for the job. It still amazes me that security gets unnotice from small little perks as the no credit after a movie. Whenever I see a movie that didn't give screen credit to security on their movie only tells me they either didn't have any respect for the security crew or they had no security on set keeping their equipment safe. We all know everyone uses security on set, we are just that invisible guy who patrols the set until when needed then were the most loved ones on set. 

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