Monday, September 26, 2011

"All I Wanted was an Orange Bang!"

I'm awake much earlier than I wanted to be this morning, damn this hot weather! I have plenty of time to get myself ready since my copies of my childrens book "Adventures of One Sock" arrived yesterday via UPS. The school Principal for my kids school asked if they can have a copy of my book so they can place it in their library for all the kids to enjoy. I'm thrilled to know and have a book in a school library and just knowing that for years to come kids will be reading my stories. So I meet with the Principal and everything goes well, I even sign a copy for her and the Assistant Principal...

I still feel weird about signing someones copy of their book, I mean it's not like a school year book where you sign see you next year, hope you stay cool for the summer stuff. But like it should sound professional type of thanks for buying my book and giving support I believe. I'm still new at this so i try to write something good.

After passing my cards to some of the ladies in the office I leave the office and start walking home. Now it's only 8:30 am and it's already starting to get hot. I hear it's suppose to be in the high 90's again! I hate the heat! So since I'm breaking a sweat I head over to this burrito place to get myself an ice cold refreshing Orange Bang. Yes I love the Orange Bang drink. I get to the place and get my drink. When I was there I see this stinky black homeless guy talking crazy to himself, as if he was chanting. I'm waiting for my drink this guy walks towards me. 

MAN: Buy me a fucking burrito bitch!

Me: Get the fuck out of my face.

The guy looked realy dirty, the color in his eyes were orange and red, he was really high on something, he didn't like my answer. He starts to scream angry slurs at me. He pulls out this huge crocodile dundee knife from his back pocket.

(What the fuck is this guy doing with a knife that size?)

The guy starts waviing his knife at me in different directions while still screaming. I can see from the side of my vision that the cooks and customers inside the place start ducking as if this guy had a gun or something. I think they were more onedge after the shooting at IHOP. Me, I have all my attention on how this guy is standing and holding the knife at me.

MAN: Motha fucker mexican, I'm going to cut you so much your gonna be a skinny motha fucka! then I'm gonna get this knife and open you up like a can of tuna with mexican sauce pouring all over the ground...

This guy is non stop talking crap while waving the knife at me. I had enough, I jump forward, with my left hand I block the knife and with my right I punch the guy in his face. I ended up giving this guy a combo with 3 hits before he falls back on the ground. I see he let go of the knife and kick it to the side. The guy crawls away and gets back on his feet, his face is full of blood.

MAN: You fucking Bitch! I wasn't done telling you how I'm going to cut you up like a little boy stuck in a hole! You cut me off you fucking whore! Fuck my face, shit my lips are fucking sore and huge than what they wre before! You gave me fat lips you fucking fat mexican!

(Yes this guy was really saying this, he made no sense what so ever when he was shouting)

I felt like Mr. Incredible in the movie The Incredibles, where he catches him off Monologing. I attacked this guy in the middle of his speech, but when someone has a knife in your face all rules of engagement are off. the guy starts yelling at the people in the establishment about getting some ice for his face. They tell hiim no and to get lost because they're calling the polkice. The guy looks at me while he picks up his knife. He places the knife back in his back pocket. 

(I took a pic of the knife in his pocket and sent it to a few of you out there)

The guy looks at me and starts screaming how I made him bleed. He then jumps on his bik and rides off into traffic as fast as he can. This guy jumps out of his truck.

TRUCK MAN: What are you doing? Your letting him get away, go after him!

I'm thinking, really? For one It's freaking hot! 2. I'm not a super hero.

ME: You go after him, your driving a truck.

TRUCK MAN: Now he's going to attack someone else.

ME: This isn't fucking Spiderman where uncle Ben is going to get killed!

TRUCK MAN: Spiderman, who's that?

Okay if you don't know who spiderman is, then your not worth talking too! 

I get my drink and walk away. I know the people at the place called the police so there's nothing else for me to do.Everyone else there saw his description so they can give it to the cops. Me, all I wanted was a Orange Bang and now I'm going to enjoy my drink as I walk home.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Filmore pt. 3"

I remember Tobey Mcguire telling me a ghost story about Fillmore when I worked on his movie he was Producing, "What Ever We Do". He told me about someone staring at him from the outside of his trailer while he was working on "Seabiscuit" at the train station. He told me about this person who would always stand outside his trailer and just stare. He would look out his windows and see this person, he couldn't really tell if it was a guy or a girl, but his assistant seen the person and couldn't find them when they went outside nor did security. That's just one of the few stories that I remember about this location, of course the site rep for the place had his share of stories as well. He mentioned that people would walk into the trains when the fog rolled in, I guess their way of giving up on life. I have to admit that my time working at this location I did see many people wondering around the trailers, and when I would walk up to them they would be gone.  No where in sight, it's llike they disappeared. I also had my share of the shadow people.

( okay so I sound a little crazy, but it's true)

Tonight it's really really foggy, the lights around the station aren't on for some reason, so it's pretty dark. I walk around the basecamp I hear footsteps coming from boots or maybe heels not really sure, all I know is that it's so quiet that the footsteps are the only noise being made. I see a dark image on the walkway coming my direction. I wait near one of the trailers as the person walks closer, I see the image of a girl in a dress. I flash my stream light on them when they get right next to me. Now my stream light is very bright, when I flash my light on the ladie's face she has no reaction. She didn't look at me, she didn't blink, she didn't even get startled that I flashed her with a bright light.

 (any normal person would of least gave a glance my way, but nothing as if I wasn't even there)

The lady was dressed as if she was an extra from the little house on the prairie set. She kept walking past me and down the walkway into the fog.

Weird, creepy, bizarre...At least she didn't rip her head off or charge at me or even call my name (those stories are in the book) So I  take wondering lady with no reaction anyday.

I keep telling myself that I only have a few more days on this show and it's back to the city and away from this small town.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

"Filmore pt. 2"

I make my way over to this shitty hotel they set up everyone for this crew. I met with Dickless (Producer) at the catering truck, he tells me no one is getting food money and that I'm lucky that I get a hotel paid to stay. I tell him in response that he's lucky that I stay awake at night and not just sleep thru my shift like many sceurity companies out there do. I go beyond him and talk to the other Producer Al. Al makes sure that I get my predium, even though its only $8 dollars a day. Yes $8 dollars a day. Luckily I been doing this for awhile and I know how to get away with only eight bucks for food. Plus it's always good to know the Catering guys (who are very good at what they do) really well.
I try my best to get some sleep. The housekeeping kept banging on my door which seemed like every half hour. They even call a few times asking what time I'm going to be awake. (Now if your going to hire housekeepers, they should get ones that can read my sign on the fucking door!!)

I arrive back at set, they just finished wrapping. I talk to a few of the cops we have on set. I ask the officer about this town and it's violence. I tell him about the incident which happened last night. They laugh. I'm thinking, okay what's so funny? they tell me how gang violence is high in this town too. There's gang activity every night.

(these gangs must be throwing rocks at each other, cause the whole 5 days I was there, I never heard one gun shot)

I walk around the basecamp with Al, and the site rep. The site rep lets me know the lowdown of the location. He even mentions about this train yard being haunted.

(Why is every train station haunted? Why do people like to tell ghost stories when they know your going to be alone in the dark all night long?)

The lights in basecamp shut off, it's really dark here. It wasn't this dark last night, then again I had the station's lights but tonight their off. Were the only three people left in basecamp, everyone else is gone. We do another walk around basecamp. We make our way around the corner of the make up trailer when someone from the dark comes into view. We must of scared them cause they fell to the ground. I notice that Al and the site rep jumped back themselves. I turned on my light really quick, the person we scared fell back pretty hard. Al bends over to give the person a hand. As soon as I light up the area, there's no one there. Only dust in the air from the person's fall. None of us say anything. the site rep suddenly goes home and Al, he tells me not too mention this to anyone.
Who it was that we scared in the dark, I'll never know. I never knew ghost can be just as scared of us as we are of them.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"Filmore pt. 1"

I feel as if I was driving forever to get to this location. We are definitely out of the film Zone. I arrive at the train station that everyone likes to shoot their movie at. I see pictures and signs of the previous show that was here "Seabiscuit"
I'm waiting for the location guy to arrive and pass me my hotel information and food money. I'm a little surprised that Hallmark actually going to pay for my hotel and food. If any of you worked for Hallmark, then you know just how cheap they are. The location guy I'm waitiing for I don't care too much for. He's this little asian guy who adds to the untrusting backstabbing list in this Movie Industry. Transportation arrives with the trailers.

TRANS CAPTAIN: Have you seen the location guy?

ME: No.

TRANS CAPTAIN: Mother fucker! I knew he wasn't coming.

ME: He better, he has my info and money for the hotel.

TRANS CAPTAIN: Fuck that asshole!

(I'm not the only one who hates this location guy)

Transpo finishes up their set up. The night approaches 1am. Still no sign of the location manager, call time is 6am so I doubt he is coming. Guess I'll have to deal with the dickless Producer Jeff in the morning. I start walking around doing my rounders around the trailer. I see someone running towards my direction. I make my way back to my truck, this guy gets closer and is out of breath and full of blood.

GUY: You have to help me hide, they're  after me.

ME: Who is?

Before I can say anything else, 14 guys run up to us and start beating this guy down hard. One of them turns to me.

GANGSTER: You want trouble ese?

I tighten my grip on my 4 cell flashlight.

ME: It's none of my business.

The gangster nods his head.

I watch how they beat this guy down, dirt is flying everywhere. The guy is able to get away and starts running further down the street. The gangsters chase this dude down. I don't see anyone for another hour. The 14 guys which now is only 7 of them are walking back holding the white bloodied shirt as a trophy from the other guy. One of them gave me the low down as to why the guy was being beaten.

Apparently the guy getting beaten was having sex with one of the gangsters wives when he was at work.
It's funny that this happened. Film crews stopped shooting at Lake Piru which is a few miles down the road cause of gang violence, and here it exsists too. Go figure. I'm stuck in this boring town for a week. This is only night number one, I can only imagine what night 2 is going to be.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

"Commercial world is Changing"

You know when theres something wrong with the Film Industry when you work the commercial world and things on set start to get very cheap. I remember just a few months ago when I was getting 25 an hour on commercials, now everyone seems to be underbidding and prices are going down to 15 to 16 an hour. Not bad for just watching crew parking, but when they like to film in drug prositution gang infested areas like Hemet. Yea it's out in the middle of nowhere just like Lake Perris but it's also cheap to live so low income families seem to populate these areas. The nights watching these areas are starting to get more crazier. I think the hard times is hitting everyone so there are more thieves and people looking for a quick buck seem to roam the night more often.

A few weeks ago I worked on this commercial for ANONYMOUS CONTENT in Perris which is next to hemet, (not lake perris near filmore) For one they didn't give any predium or travel time for the trip back and forth to this location.

(good thing Ihave sisters that have houses up on Moreno Valley)

Next they didn't serve breakfast, just lunch. I have no problems with that since I watch what I eat on set since they like to serve just way too much food at times. Pretty much I get full from the snackages (not a real word but it is for me) they pass around. Just this crafty table didn't have any bottle water, instead dixie cups replaced the coolers filled with drinks. Okay I don't know about much of the crew but when Im walking around I like to sip at my water, not too much so I wont have to piss all the time but just enough to keep me filled. I tried the dixie cup thing back on this one commercial who wanted to be cheap with the water too, but working under the 6th street bridge in Downtown LA, sorry but that doesnt cut it. You try drinking from a dixie cup and having all that shit dust just flow into your open cup. yeah not a great site I may add. Some people don't care but going home and smelling like shit and piss from working in these areas, thats enough for me. I don't want to also be drinking shit and piss flavored water. Plus my water bottle I can tuck in my huge side pockets. Plus with a dixie cup  I would have to drink all my water, or what if I want a refill.  I have to get someone to relieve me just so I could get some more water. Oh did I mention the dixie cups are those small cups that the nurses give you when you take your pills. Just standing in the water cooler line behind the sweaty Juicers and grips bring back memories of party animals waiting for the Beer Keger. That's just more time for me not being posted at my spot which only makes me look like I'm not doing my job.

Yes the Production people on this show are one of those assholes who look at you standing in line for water and right away think your screwing around and not doing your job. It's funny cause the Art dept guy who's taking tablets of speed in his car doesnt seem to be doing his job, I wouldn't be in this long bathroom line if they had water bottles instead of dixie cups. I later find out that the crew was given travel time and predium for the job. It still amazes me that security gets unnotice from small little perks as the no credit after a movie. Whenever I see a movie that didn't give screen credit to security on their movie only tells me they either didn't have any respect for the security crew or they had no security on set keeping their equipment safe. We all know everyone uses security on set, we are just that invisible guy who patrols the set until when needed then were the most loved ones on set.