Sunday, November 3, 2013

Losing Weight?

I woke up this Sunday morning happy and impressed that I was losing weight. I know I don't look like I'm losing any weight at all but I surely have! I'm really proud of myself and wanted to share with everyone out there that it's possible to get anything done as long as your presistant with your goals. I was up to a 3XL in clothes and I'm back into a 2XL. Working on getting to a 1XL. I want to thank everyone who's been watching my unscripted life and reading my books. You guys totally Rock! Stay Inspired and Keep Writing!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Recycling on a Film Set

Thought I would share one of my stories from working on Film Sets in Hollywood. You all know that I have written a book about running a security team for the Entertainment Industry and worked on tons and I mean tons of movies, music videos TV shows and even done some private parties. I even had the weird experience doing the under the radar services for many celebs in Hollywood pretty much like Ray Donovan. I will be posting more experiences working on film sets with a touch of my personal life. Stay tuned and stay inspired!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

$800, for 5 mins!

So here we are smack middle in Downtown LA, it's dark, tons of fans and paparazzi everywhere. I have the fun post of being next to set as they do the rain scene for this Back Street Boy music video. I don't get offer an umbrella instead I'm given a small grocery plastic bag to help keep me dry from the fake rain. Don't get me wrong, I love being by set when they film, but at least I would like to be prepared for this rain.

I lost count on how many takes they done for this shot without the Director shouting cut after the girl on the stretcher not staying still. The girl's only part in this video is play a dead body. The beginning shot of this video is the paramedics pushing in a body into the hospital (which is really the hotel) but the lady won't sit still. The extra is complaining about the rain getting into her nose and ears. They tried covering her face with the sheets but the lady is complaining about it feels like she's drowning. They try the plugs for her ears and nose but still the lady won't lie dead on the stretcher. Now mind you even though the scene is only a few seconds on the video it's a longer shot here as they film.

I think it's been over 45 minutes just for this one shot. The frustration of the Director finally got the better of him as he screamed at the extra, and replaced her with some guy. But that didn't seem to work either. The guy wasn't able to pull off the scene either with out flinching from the rain pouring on his face. After many unsuccessful shots they ended up pulling the guy off and that's when I heard the 1st AD shout out. "Were offering $800 for 5 Min's. All you have to do is play dead!" Heck I can play dead in the rain for 5 minutes for that amount of money. But they weren't looking for a Mexican or a heavy set Mexican that is. So I was shit out of luck. This older man was chosen and he did want the other 2 weren't able to do.

I know this isn't such a big thing but people wonder why filming takes so long. This is a perfect example of a Director who wants everything perfect down to the lighting to the effects and to the people who play dead.

From the 31 hour shift I did on this job, I came out pretty hefty on the money side; I say I made out just perfect myself.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Game Stop needs to train their Employees!

We all have shopped at game stop once in our lifetime, most of us more than others. Since there are no more huge video chain stores I either have the option to use Red Box which has a very limited selection of games and not many of the new game releases. Then there’s Gamefly which it’s pretty rare you get a new game on release date. So Game stop is the one place where you can get the new releases and used games at anytime. I have nothing against Game stop, I like their selection of games but their prices don’t really drop unless they have many returns on a popular game. What I really hate and I don’t think I’m alone on this subject is Game stop really needs to train their employees. There have been many times where I talk to some of the employees about games and they have this dumbfounded look on  their face as if whatever I was talking about just went over their head. This happens more with the female employees that work there. Now I have nothing against girls and games, lets make that  clear. I game with many girls on the xbox. But the many girls that have helped me at Game stop have no clue what character is for what game. This one girl tried to play it off and mentioned how she liked the black player Charles Barkley in the new Madden 25 game because his defense skills are strong in the goal area. Really? I didn’t know that EA had their basketball players intertwined with their football game and have goalies. I understand why Game stop would have an attractive blond early 20 something in their store. Gamers dig hot chicks. But if this hot chick isn’t offering anything more in the backroom then she better have a clue to what games are good especially if I’m going to be dropping $60 plus bucks on games and equipment. I done the whole management thing and understand putting the right people in the front to attract customers. I remember working at this restaurant and the manager wanted me to place all the fat workers closest to the window so when potential customers walked by they would say “the food must be good here, look at the employees” and it would bring business to the joint.; and it did. But at least give them some knowledge of gaming! I went to another game stop and this guy straight out from the military was working the counter. You would think this guy would have some knowledge of video games. He didn’t. His response was. “I don’t play video games”. How do you work in a game store and not play video games? That’s like a vegetarian working in a burger joint. I don’t eat meat yet I cook burgers? How does that work? How does game stop get customers if their employees don’t play what they sell? I know a few years back there was a time where every game stop employee knew the ins and outs of games and what to get and what not to get. I think game stop needs to invest some time on their employees and not worry so much about next generations consoles, this way majority of their employees could be game savvy.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Having 2 sons that are special needs

Back in 2008 when my younger son was diagnosed with Autism, I had no clue what it was. I read many books, looked up hours and hours of videos. Read over hundreds of different blogs from other parents that also have children with special needs. But after doing tons of research I came up with one conclusion. No one actually has an answer on how to deal with a child with special needs. The only best advice I have heard from anyone is have patience. Patience was the answer everyone came up with. even today Patience is advised to many parents. Other parents say medical treatment is a better answer but I don't feel the need to have my boys on Meds. Now when I say boys I mean both my older and younger son's are considered special needs. My oldest son was diagnosed a few weeks ago. They say he doesn't have Autism but is special needs. To this day I'm not sure what the difference is. My oldest son who's 10 shows his special needs with aggression as to appose my younger son who's 7 shows a different sign of his special needs by not sitting in one place for too long and jumping around and always moving. I found ways to keep my younger son distracted by letting him play with the ipad or on xbox. He sure loves his Minecraft. I know many parents are against video games but i think minecraft helps with counting and using skills he would use at school. I love that my son is creative in his video game world. My older son, I tried so many things but his anger blows to fast and anyone near him will take most of the heap of it. My oldest son is like Bruce Banner, one second he's calm and the very next he's green and mean! The damage my older son has done in the household has put a hefty price on our finances.

I know what everyone's thinking, "Well your a writer, you can afford it". Just because I'm a self published writer doesn't mean I'm flowing with riches. Yes I could of went with a publisher a few years back for my "Life After Wrap" book but the conditions the publishers gave me just wasn't what i wanted my Bio book to go. The 4 books that I have published make enough for me to stay home and take care of the kids while my girl works her job. You also have to remember I have a family of 7 so money goes really fast in this house. Where some people advise taking them places I look out the long run. going to the movies or any other festivities can cost around $100 just for one day. As in I can buy my kids a gold account for their xbox for a year family plan for only $50. A year of letting them watch Netflix and play xbox live with their friends oppose to one day of fun. The yearly gaming pass wins.

For now, the only thing I can do is be patient with both boys and try to drain their energy with my 5 mile walks which I can't always have them go cause of their tantrums. (Ever see a grown boy throw himself to the ground yelling and screaming in public?) Both boys have short attention spans and too much energy. You mix that with 3 sisters and it adds up to crazyness! I know some people have said I should put my kids in daycare and go get a job. Already tried that route. My older son has been kicked out of 2 places. Which I also had to walk out of 1 interview for a job while in process.

I'm always looking for feedback so if you have any ideas on how to deal with two kids with special needs, I'm all ears. It's frustrating at times. Dealing with the boys, writing my 5th book and trying to make an social media name is hard. I used to read comic books when I felt overloaded, cause the books always took me to another place where I don't have to hear screaming 24/7. But since I rather not spend money on something I don't need i play xbox. So many times you may seem me playing games where I can blow stuff up is my way of showing letting out my frustration. I think many parents feel the same and have gone through the same as myself and my girl have gone through. It's rough at times. I think not having a social life also has it's toll. I don't have many friends in the real world as to the internet or gaming world. Me and the girl try to have our date night here and there but finding a babysitter is impossible. We have to rely on my girl's dad who isn't really reliable. So our date night is having a family night watching movies either on Demand or Netflix.

I was told that twitter is the place to find the same circle that your in. Tons of Authors and Writers promoting their works just as you are. And that's all they are doing is promoting their work. The years I have been using the social media to network I only have come across only  a handful of good people out there. I learned that not too many writers like to help or give advice or network or even bounce off ideas with other writers. It's like Hollywood. Not many like to network or help cause that's one more writer who's out there in this hard competition world we live in. For example when I offered free publicity for my youtube channel I had many Authors and writers telling me that I don't have enough views on my page for their work to be on my channel. But like I said, there are many that I have met who really have helped in many ways. I have even met some cool parents in the special needs world that are helpful but like the writers on twitter there's not many parents that give feedback or help. Many of you know that my Adventures of One Sock book is based off my son's life who has Autism, and many of the special needs parents out there feedback was "It's not too Autism enough". Thanks for the positive feedback.

There's a few things I know. I won't stop making sure my kids don't feel different and have fun in their summer break. My girl and I won't stop trying to have date night. I won't stop networking with other creative folks in the social media. I would say I won't stop talking to other parents about kids with special needs cause I don't talk with any parents about this subject. Maybe my different books or opinions turn them off? I don't know.

The biggest thing I also do know is I will never stop creating and writing and loving my kids for who they are no matter what kind of problems they have in their lives.

I want to thank everyone who listened to my rant and everyone who's bought and supported my books. You guys are just too awesome!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My Vlogs

I've been getting many people asking me why em I doing a vlog on youtube. Well as many of you know I used to do a blogtalkradio show, but after awhile I stop then continued and stopped again. I might go back to blogtalkradio again, but then I was told to just do vlogs on youtube. Now just to let people know, I'm not doing youtube for money or to get 15 mins of fame. I think of youtube as blogtalkradio just without the live audience and live chat room. Another reason why I have been doing more on my youtube channel is to post the short films that I will be making very soon. Plus I game a lot, and so I will also be posting some game footages on my youtube channel. There are so many more talented people than me out there in the youtube world. I just like that I can use youtube as another outlet to voice my opinion and for my writing. I want to thank many people who have been watching and sending me emails. I will be posting more vlogs and as I said working on posting some short films in the future. I am a stay at home Dad and using every available device I can to get my creative work out there. Stay inspired everyone and never stop creating and believing in your dreams.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Video Podcast

Many of you know that I was doing a Radio broadcast on Blog talk radio. I stopped doing the show a few months ago, everyone kept asking when I was going to do another live podcast show. So I figured I would come back but this time do a video version of the show and instead of calling the show Securityfiles I am calling it "Daddy Tales". This podcast will focus on my books and writing tips as well as promote other Artist whether they are a writer or have a book out. I  Feel this is my way in helping others with their craft and getting the word out there. I'm a true believer of Networking with one another. So far I have only done 2 podcast but working on another after I write this blog. I think this is a great way to express myself and show other people who are just getting into the craft of writing that they are not alone with the whole writers block and motivation and inspiration with writing. Check out my show and feel free to leave a comment and let me know how I'm doing; also don't forget to subscribe:) Keep writing and stay Inspired!


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sex in Trailers?

It’s been awhile since I have worked on a film set and let me tell I surely don’t miss it. It was fun and all but nothing has changed. Like I say in my book “Same shit, different Movie set”. I did encounter some crazy and interesting people roaming around the streets late at night.

There’s a Bus depot nearby and for some reason they’re parking their buses next to us waiting for their time to start their part of the shift. I see this older lady walking around doing a little workout I’m guessing from how fast she’s walking. I say she’s in her late 50’s mid 60’s. She finally makes her way over to my base camp. She start’s asking the usual questions, which’s in this movie what’s the name yada, yada, yada. The she goes on and tells me that on her bucket list she has having sex in a Movie trailer. I say nothing but ignore the comment. We continue to talk and once again she brings up about her bucket list and how she really wants to cross off having sex in a Movie trailer off her list.

LADY: Do you have access inside the trailers?

ME: Why do you ask?

LADY: I have 25 minutes till my shift starts. I’m here and you’re here, I say we should go and cross one of life’s goals off my bucket list.

ME: Sorry, but this isn’t an Adam Sandler movie; I’m not going to have sex with you in one of these trailers.

The lady is shocked at my comment.

LADY: Well it’s your loss honey. I would of Rocked your pathetic world.

She walks away back to her bus. I guess nothing really does change working on a film set when no one is around.

Around 2:30 am I see this guy walking near my trailers wearing a hoodie. I cut him off and flash my light on him. This guy is young and is soaked to the bone.  Everything he has on is fully drenched.  I notice the guy’s face is cut up really bad as if he had jumped in front of a car and loss the battle. Drips of water were coming off his nose.

GUY: Hey man, you here by yourself?

ME: No.

I lied, but never let anyone know you’re alone at way hours in the morning in a scary neighborhood.

GUY: Damn bro, I’m so fucking cold.

ME: How did you get so soaked?

GUY: There’s a church right behind this place, and I jumped in their pool of holy water fountain they have to cleanse my soul and repent for all my crimes.

I don’t say anything. The guy continues to tell me how he’s killed over 34 people woman and children and raped over 11 girls in his lifetime. And now that he cleansed himself for forgiveness, everything in his head stopped. He has a clear conscience of life and the voices are gone. Now this guy doesn’t look that old, I say mid maybe late 20’s but no older, and he’s done all this? I grip my 4-cell flashlight tighter just incase this guy wants another victim.

GUY: I just had to tell someone my sins before I can be fully cleanse, you know. God is good.

I don’t say anything. The guy limps towards the other side of the trailers heading to the exit of the parking lot. I walk around on the other side of the trailer just to see which direction this guy goes. As I come around the trailer I see no sign of the guy. I walk back just incase he did as well. Nothing. I walk towards the Museum that’s right next to us and look down the parking lot and nothing. It’s as if this guy disappeared into darkness. I walk out of the parking lot and look both ways down the street and no one. I even walked around the whole parking lot looking under the trailers and picture cars just incase this guy was hiding somewhere. Nothing.

Nothing truly has changed since I stopped working on film sets.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Are Gamers that Lonely on Xbox?

So since there might be a possible actor strike; work is going to be very slow, I don't really have much to do but play Xbox live late at night. While playing Xbox you meet all types of characters, don't get me wrong there are a few cool people but wow it's like a place where people go to vent their anger and racist issues.

 (I kid you not)

 Now if you play with me on Xbox you know I talk trash but of course only when trash is spoken at me first. I’m a Writer so trash talking is going to be expected from me at times. Most of the time I just keep my mic muted and listen to all the bullshit that flies around in the rooms. But if your friends with me then you know that I'll call you a bitch, and a ho and all the other usual good stuff. One thing about Xbox is that I never thought people were so desperate to be liked.
So here I am playing with friends and this one guy who always plays with my girl (fritoliciousluv) joins our party.
 Xbox has this thing where you can talk to up to 8 people at once it’s their party chat. What Xbox needs to do is bring back the party chat for Netflix, I remember having some really fun and full parties in the Netflix party chat.
 So no biggie, I don’t talk to the guy. But my girl keeps answering questions that I never asked her. I had to ask " Did I miss a conversation that we were having or something cause you keep answering questions. She tells me that  she's talking to the guy who joined the room "OBEYxSHREWd" (that's his gamer tag) I let her know that I can't hear him. She tells me that he muted me and doesn't like me. Loll! Muted me? Doesn't like me? I don't even know the guy. Now if your going to join someone's chat room don’t mute the host and since I'm the host I boot the guy out of the party

(that just made him hate me more. Like Jack burton says "what the hell")

I don't even know the guy nor do I chat with him so why would I want someone in my room who doesn't like me or mutes me. Of course after I booted the guy my girl gets upset and that's when my Xbox mail starts to receive messages from "OBEYxSHREWd" guy who lives in Apple Valley, CA. First start pouring in the friend’s request but if I’m in a serious game I don't do my friends request too much later or in between breaks of the game. This guy had no patience cause he just kept sending me friend request one after another. Then the messages started to fill up my mailbox.

 First it was 19 messages of...

 "Why don't you want to be my friend, you think your too cool for me"

 Followed with over 17 messages of....

 "I don’t want you to hear what me and your girl talk about on Xbox it's none of your biz"

 Next came 30 messages of....

 "Fuck you your an asshole"

 At first it was annoying cause every time someone sends you a message it pops up on the TV screen and when you’re in a serious game well it just throws off your concentration. After so many messages I pretty much laughed about it and never responded, wait I lie I did respond twice telling him to fuck off and get a life.

160 messages later I get the...

 "Why don't you want to be friends with me? I don't get it"

 Yeah what you should do guy is get a fucking life and take the hint I don't want to be friends with you! You’re a fucking obsessive psycho desert Rat! I know that Apple Valley is a boring place to live but stalking someone for 2 days (which he did for 2 days) is kind of annoying I probably would of added him if he wasn't so weird and stalkish (yeah stalkish isn't a real word but in my world it is) a friend of mine said maybe he was into you. Who knows, I have been hit on by guys and allot of people say I have a nice voice over the phone and on the mic. My last job also thought I had a good voice since they made me read to the Supervisor’s and Judges on a daily 1 to 2 hour session while they napped next to me. (Just a little weird maybe this Gamer was into me, I don’t know. Sorry SHREWd but I don't cross swords I'm as straight as they come. Then I thought maybe this guy is some really lonely kid who lives in the desert and really needs friends to talk too. Who knows and who cares, I just know that he won't be on my friends list anytime soon, gamers like that I stay far and far away from like stalking X girlfriends. Too much drama!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

When Did Uno Become X-rated!?!

I just finished writing my 4th book and now waiting for one of my children’s book to become an App for the itunes, I have been playing more Xbox lately at night.  I've been killing tons of peeps in Gears of Wars 3, and in Halo 4 Pwning noobs in Black Ops 2 and Madden 13.

(Come on people give me a challenge is there anyone out there worthy?)

When I get bored I usually smoke tag people that leads to people crying and giving me a bad-rating cause I'm considered unsportsman like. On Black Ops 2 I run around with the noob tube for all the camping snipers. So this leads to the next thing, I learned while playing Xbox is that there are many and I really mean many shit talkers and cry babies playing the game Gears of Wars and Call of Duty games. I kid you not, I never met so many shit talkers in my life, not only do you find shit talkers and whiners but you also find the most racist people on earth on Xbox live. Me, It doesn't really bother me, but after awhile it gets annoying so I move on to other games. Don't get me wrong Gears and COD are very good games with awesome visuals and addicting, but way too many bitches that complain for the stupidest reasons.
A friend of mine told me I should change it up and play Uno. Uno? I liked that card game when I was a kid, so yeah of course I went to play it online on Xbox. Of course my friend didn't tell me what exactly happens after dark in the Uno realm. My first Saturday night playing Uno I had this 9 yrs. old boy jerking off to his video cam calling everyone in the room faggots cause we were looking at him. I left the room and went to another but sure enough this annoying kid would join the room once again jerking off. I had little girls show me their tits. I'm not lying. I had woman ask if I was single or married. I asked what’s the difference. If I was single I only get tits flashed on my screen, but if I was married I get their kitty flashed. I wonder what I would get if I told them I was Lost? I had men ask if they could come over and suck my dick, ladies asking if I would like to see them suck their dogs dick. Is this the new Uno evolution in today's world? When in the hell did Uno become that game? My 5 year old daughter ask if she could play Uno on my Xbox. HELL NO almost came screaming from my lips instead I went to target and bought my daughter a pack of cards (much safer). One more thing if your going to show me your tits, make sure their not drooping down to your knees, that's a really big turn off. So if you’re bored and have nothing to do on a Friday or Saturday night, and you’re into that kinky shit. Uno in the Xbox 360 live world is the place for you. As for me, I'll stick with the cry babies on Gears and COD I would play HALO but everyone knows that game is like Laser tag. No skill to play that game. Jump, melees shoot. Wow? How boring?  I’m glad that Bioshock is coming out very soon.

Monday, January 7, 2013

"A New Race?"

Working in Pasadena can be interesting at times. Today I'm working on a over budget movie that went straight to video...(Time Cop 2) I think it would of had Theater time if Jean Claude Van Damme would of been in it. Our location for today is the Green hotel off Dayton st. I go down to the basement to use the restrooms that is pretty creepy; I mean the hotel itself was pretty creepy. But it's as if there was another town below this old structure. Walking down this darken corridor I come across 11 wooden coffins, so the first thing that comes to mind is " okay does Dracula reside in this place?" When I see the building site rep back above I decide to ask him about the coffins down below in the basement.

SITE REP: Those coffins down below are for when our clients pass away. We stick the bodies in the coffins that purify their soul so they can still have best of both worlds.

ME: Huh?

SITE REP: They're soul will be in the after life yet also wondering around in our hotel.

(BLING!! Story idea... It's liked a gift I can't control)

ME: That's kind of weird; I don't think I would ever stay in a hotel like that.

SITE REP: Well you wouldn't be able to stay anyways; you’re not the right race.

ME: What do you mean not the right race, I seen your maids cleaning today, they seem to be Mexican.

SITE REP: No silly, you have to be gay or lesbian to be a resident at this facility.

ME: Okay, when did gay's and lesbians become their own race? Did I miss something?

SITE REP: When society X'd us out of their way of life.

(Jerry Springer, I just found your next guest)

SITE REP: Your cute, would you ever consider a man in your life?

ME: I'm already gay.

The Site Rep's eyes open up with anticipation.

SITE REP: Really?

ME: Yes. I'm a lesbian trapped in a guy's body.

SITE REP: Heterosexual humor, cute Asshole!

The Site Rep walks away back to the film crew.

Sorry guys, but I just love woman.