Sunday, July 24, 2011

"What's wrong with this Picture?"

Wow back at lacy Studios once again, feels like I never left. Last time I was here I had that killer hiding under the staircase (Pretty scary stuff) Tonight I'm working on this movie "NEXT DAY AIR" This up and coming Director from the Music video world is shooting this flick. (I gotta tell you, the many and many entourage and hours I did on this show you would think this was a music video movie)

So I'm walking around keeping my eye on the prostitutes and drug dealers doing their biz across from us in the park when a transpo guy comes up to me.

TRANSPO: Did you hear they broke into 2 crew cars.

ME: No, Where were the cars parked?

TRANSPO: Down there. (he points to the end of the street)

ME: Why would they park way over there, when crew parking is right over here?

TRANSPO: Cause their dumbshits.

I find out later one of the cars belong to the special effects son and the other one belong to one of the actors.

EFFECTS: This is fucking bull shit, we have security and cars still get broken into. This is fucking so Ridiculous!

ME: You know that's so true, I mean why would someone park way down the block in the dark and especially in Highland Park. The best part is we have 2 parking lots with security guards in them and both lots have plenty of parking available, yet they choose to park on the street when theirs no security. That does sound Ridiculous.

EFFECTS: Why could'nt you just do your job better.

ME: I did do my job, my post is here not down the block. You been working in this biz for a long time, so you should no better not to park a car down the street away from eye sight.

EFFECTS: Well didn't you hear anything? Aren't you guys like Super Security Guards, isn't that why the line Producer uses you.

ME: I'm sorry but my super bionic hearing only picked up the dogs barking from the pound (which is across the street from us) and the car noise from the  freeway (which is also across from us) so way down the end of the block just wasn't able to be heard. And my infra red eye sight, well that upgrade hasn't been planted in me just yet.

EFFECTS: It's 1 in the morning and the Security Guard has jokes.

He walks away angry. The actor who's truck was broken into was a little more nicer.

ACTOR: I'm not mad at you, it was my fault to park my truck so far away when I should of parked my truck in one of the lots. I was just in a hurry to sign in and do my thing. It's all good brother.

The Special Effects guy must of told crew members about the cars being broken into, cause the rest of the night I kept getting crew members checking on their cars in the lot. I had to keep telling everyone it wasn't in the lot the cars were broken into but way down the end of the block. That's one little detail that Special Effect guy left out.

The night did get better got the chance to meet FERGIE (from black eye peas) she was visitng a friend on another film crew here. wow, is she so hot. Talked to her many times every time she came out to her car. I let her park in our crew parking since her friends film crew didn't have any crew parking. (mental note, bring carry camera on me at al times)

Another interesting thing about that night is after the crew was all gone, around 3:30 am we had 2 prostitute customers fight over the same prostitute who in fact was the ugliest looking creature to walk this planet. After being stabbed twice in the leg the guy finally left in defeat while the guy who won was too beat up to get serviced from the Prostitute. (go figure)

I know one thing, I'm sure I'll be back here at Lacy Studios before this year is up.

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