Sunday, April 15, 2012

Karate Kid

It's a nice clear night but no matter how nice of a night it is walking down Grand ave in Downtown LA still doesn't make it look so great. We just finished a scene up on 2nd  and Grand. One of the lead actresses from the TV show "PROFILER" doesn't feel like taking a shuttle back to basecamp so myself and the 2nd 2nd walk her back to base camp. I guess she felt that she isn't needed for another hour, so why not work out lunch which we had an hour ago. I didn't really get a chance to enjoy my lunch since mine was taken over by these huge cat size rats that roam these streets. ALLY  (actress) talks to us about buying her son  a gift for his upcoming birthday. She asks what I think. I say a toy would be great. Heck what do I know about kids, I don't have any. Buy a toy  and Happy meal for a kid and they should be happy. (Later down the road I found out that isn't true)

We walk down the street and coming up to this trendy restaraunt that always has alot of people outside smoking or waiting for a table to clear. I notice these 2 really good looking athletic blondes pointing at my actress. Must be fans of the show. We get closer and start passing the restaraunt when one of the blonde girls jumps in front of us screaming waving what look like a knife at the time to Ally.

GIRL: I'm going to kill you!

Without thinking I step in front of my actress.

NOTE: (Back then I would jump in and do the whole bodyguard as if my Actor was the President. But now days if your an asshole I'm going to wait til you get punched in the face or stabbed before I risk my life for you. Some Actors just take way advantage and care very less about us who watch their backs.)

The girl starts waving this knife around, I move in and shove the girl who loses her balance and falls to the ground very hard. It also didn't help that this girl was wearing really high high heels. The other girl gets right in front of me.

GIRL 2: You asshole! We were just fucking around!

ME: Yeah, well it's not funny.

ALLY: You girls realize that it's a crime to stalk an Actor now days?

GIRL 2: I'll show you what stalking is bitch!

The girl charges for Ally. Ally goes behind me and grabs my arms and uses me as a shield to defend off this girl. I know I'm a big boy but come on this is riddiculous. Now as for the second girl, well she wasn't wearingany  high heels it was more like Keds sneakers. She was well balanced and focused that she starting kickboxing me. This girl is dodging and weaving throwing punches and kicks.

(Who does this chick think she is Chuck Norris?!?)

I'm trying to duck and weave myself but it's kind of hard when my Actress is holding my arms behind me. I look to the 2nd 2nd for maybe he might either pull off Ally or at least try to stop the girl from making me a punching bag. Nope instead I see the 2nd 2nd running down the street screaming for Production. (why he didn't use his walkie, is still a mystery to me)

I finally free my arms from Ally and accidently (Um, yeah I'll use accidently) elbow the girl in the face. She hits the floor and her mouth starts to bleed. I busted up her lip pretty badly. During this whole fiasco, the Valet guys for the restaraunt are laughing at this whole scene. Well all but one who actually did something. Nope he didn't get the Manager instead he went to get the girls family. Family indeed these girls were part of a party that were celebrating her Boyfriends possible NFL draft. The boyfriend was a huge player over at UCLA. Did I mention he had other football friends who are just as big as he is with him tonight?

BOYFRIEND: (taking off his sport jacket) You are so fucking dead. You cheese Dick!

(not only can white men can't  jump, they can't give a good insult)

ME: Bring it on Bitch!

(okay the adrenilene was pumping thru me, not exactly the right choice of words to use)

The other Jocks and father and Uncles and brothers start to loosed their ties and take off their jackets as well.

(Okay I said bring it on bitch not bitches.  I'm a dead man)

Before I was made into the parties Pinata I hear sirens behind me, I turn around and see our on duty officers pulliing up.

 (okay I know we have over 16 off duty officers on set tonight. Where the fuck are they?)

 I see Production running down to us Drivers jumping out of passenger vans. The calvary has arrived.

The fathers of the girls wanted to press charges on me for the twisted ankle and busted lip and teeth I gave the girls. Production threatened them, for assualting their Actress for this huge TV show of theirs. I was told by the boyfriend if he ever runs into me He's going to fuck me so hard my family in Mexico is going to feel it. ( I don't think i even have family in Mexico) I later see the boyfriend on tv playing for the NFL and ran into him at a party where I had to pull of a Macguiver escape. (That's a different story)  Production paid for the girls bill and even for the parties food that night. The knife the girl was waving around turn out to be a butter knife. As for me, I didn't get any thanks from Production for saving one of their stars. Instead I was hushed away over to crew parking for the remaining days I worked on this show where no one would see me. I did however get a big thank you basket from Ally:)

At least somebody cared.

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