I've been out of work for about ten days due to this damn flu/fever that I had, now I'm much better and getting back into the groove. Today I'm working on a commercial. I hear it's a holiday commercial for Pep Boys. About this tire that's in jail and goes and buys itself a new rim to upgrade itself. (go figure) It's already past 7am and our rep for the lincoln heights jail is late. He was suppose to be here at 6am. The location Manager and other people decide to cut the links to the door and enter the building so they can set up for the shots.
(never cut chains on City property)
If any of you who worked at a city building then you know you never, ever cut the locks with out permission.
Sure enough our rep finally decides to show up to the shoot. It's 9:30, just 3.5 hours late. This guy throws a hissy fit and calls for more back up. 2 cop cars show up, not only do they fine us a hefty fine but they shut down the production, and want to make arrests. We ended up packing up our stuff and moving to the next location a real Pep Boy store in LA on the corner of Washington and hoover strreet. When we arrive we all stand around waiting for direction. Of course no one knows what's going on and when they finally do 30 minutes has passed. We get the call to go back to the closed down jail and finish our shoot there first and then we come back to this Pep Boy store. We move back to Lincoln heights jail, the production company threw back lawsuits at the site rep for the large amount of money they paid and no one showing up. We get back and have lunch, well it's a late lunch but it's something. I talk with the location manager, and he tells me how scared he was when almost being arrested.
We finish our shots and it's now back to the Pep boy store. It's now late in the afternoon on a Friday and driving thru Downtown LA took over 45 minutes just to get back to the Pep Boy store. The parking lot there is chaos, cars every where. They have their own security keeping parking clear but no one seem's to be listening to them. I decide to take charge and shut down gates so traffic can only go one way in and one way out. This lady drives towards my direction.
ME: You can't go thru, the gates locked.
LADY: I have to go out that way.
ME: The gates locked, you have to go the other way.
LADY: My exits that way.
ME: Lady, the gates locked.
Lady gets mad.
LADY: You benche Sheep Fucker!
Lady drives off in full speed.
Sheep Fucker? Damn people are getting more creative with their words. Then again you wouldn't believe what I've been called in my years of doing this. I even encounter bad words I never knew exsisted. The wardrobe lady walks up to me.
WARDROBE: Did she just call you a Sheep Fucker?
ME: Yeah.
WARDROBE: Is there something you need to tell us about you?
Everyone's a comedian on set.
ME: Yes I'm a big bad wolf and I prey on all the gullible female sheep on set.
WARDROBE: (sheep voice)Your a baaaaaaaaaad boy.
The shoot lasted over 21 hours. My body was hurting from doing these hours from coming back from my sickness. I'm so no not used to this
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